We've helped more than 3 million individuals and organisations in over 130 countries improve the way they work. Don't take our word for it - read our customer stories.
APMG created the exams for the Climate-Resilient Infrastructure program - an important step in building the capacity of public-private partnerships practitioners around the world as Global Center of Adaption continues to work with countries and partners to drive investment into resilient infrastructure on the ground.
ISACA partnered with APMG to create an Accredited Training Program to elevate training experiences and outcomes. Third party accreditation ensures that all certification candidates everywhere attain measurable learning and achievement.
The NCSC Certified Training Scheme provides a benchmark for cyber security training by assuring the quality of both content and its delivery. APM Group accredits NCSC training courses and creates bespoke exams.
The World Bank Group is one of the world's largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries. APM Group built a website to host the body of knowledge and online training course. We also developed exams in nine languages and accredit trainers to deliver the certification scheme.
The Agile Business Consortium is the Professional Body for Business Agility. APM Group worked in partnership to create a certification scheme and grow their membership.
The APM Group is the UK Auditor Authentication Body (AAB) on behalf of the UK Certification body Management Committee (CBMC) and in co-operation with the European Aerospace Quality Group (EAQG) other Party Management Team (OPMT). We developed a digital platform to enable auditors to easily apply for re-authentication.