If you are thinking about creating your own Professional Certification Program, look at the array of benefits your organization will gain from doing so:

Brand Awareness

Creating your own certification program is a brilliant way to increase your brand’s awareness, no matter what stage you are at in development. If you are a membership body or offer newsletter subscriptions, stakeholders may want tangible validation of what they have learnt from you - a certificate or digital badge, for example.

In addition to this, it is highly likely that those who go through your certification program will want to share their success via platforms such as LinkedIn (i.e., posting a digital badge/certificate to their profile.) This is great way to keep your customers happy by giving them something to share for their hard work, whilst concurrently reaping the benefits of increased brand awareness for yourself because of social media traction.

Creating Another Stream of Income

Choosing to create a professional certification program provides an opportunity for your business to earn extra revenue outside of your typical income streams. The amount of revenue earnt depends on - amongst other variables - how much you decide to charge per certification and volumes sold. Regardless, this will increase your company’s financial stability and reaching new markets may also help boost your professional body or membership numbers.

Users have the incentive to invest in your products or service

If your certification program attracts customers, it is likely they will need to purchase some of your learning materials to study for the certification course. Both you and the customer benefit from this: you’re providing a certification they can be proud of and they’re utilising your products which helps you turn over revenue. Simply creating an enjoyable course experience will incentivise customers to return to your products or services in the future.

Delivering Trust and Confidence

By developing a certification program, you are demonstrating expertise in your field or industry. A certification program works to build authority and thought leadership, establishing your organization as a respected voice - as a result, you are exemplifying trust and confidence among clients and customers.

By working with APMG, you are aligning yourself with a reputable brand; our certification schemes are highly trusted because we work to globally recognised ISO standards 17024 and 17065 and are certified by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS).

Additionally, over 3 million people have benefited from an APM Group verified certification scheme, and many share their success on social media. 

Certification Schemes Improves Standards

Certification schemes are proven to boost employee engagement and provide your organization and people with the reassurance that processes and best practice are embedded. It also creates the occasion to collaborate with other companies, enabling networking.

You will be afforded the chance to synthesise partnerships and alliances; share knowledge and resources, and unite people, establishing a community of certified professionals who can celebrate their achievements together.

Next steps

If you are a scheme owner or would like to create a new certification scheme we would love to hear from you! Please contact us by filling out the form linked above or open the chat box to start a conversation. 

The author

Alanis Fitzgerald

Marketing Assistant

Marketing Assistant for APMG.